
The United States and the University of Denver are navigating two pandemics—the medical COVID-19 and the humanitarian crisis of racial injustice. We know there are direct and disparate impacts in each and the following offices and groups are available for support.


  • Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)

    The Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) is an internal working group tasked to coordinate campus response to bias incidents. BIRT does NOT investigate, 裁决或以其他方式参与司法/法律程序, 而是向受此类事件影响的个人和群体提供支持.

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  • Equal Opportunity and Title IX

    The University of Denver is committed to providing support and assistance to all members of our campus community who are impacted by gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence, including sexual assault, relationship or dating violence, and stalking.

    Email titleIX@du.或致电英语:303-871-7016,Español: 303.871.7766

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  • Native American Services

    美国原住民服务为在校学生提供支持, staff, and faculty and engages in community relations through developing relationships with local, 地区和国家土著社区.

    If you know a Native DU community member who needs support contact the Interim Native American Liaison & Program Manager: Stevie Lee, Stevie.Lee@ivantseng.com

  • 多元化、公平和包容办公室(ODEI)

    The 多元化、公平和包容办公室(ODEI) provides leadership, guidance, and resources in support of the University of Denver’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive institution.

    Email: inclusion@ivantseng.com

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  • Veterans Services

    The Veterans Services office is guided by the knowledge that Veterans offer a unique academic and social quality to the University of Denver, the Veterans Services Office vision and mission is to support our Veterans through exceptional programming.

    Director: Damon Vine, Damon.Vine@ivantseng.com

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  • The Women's Coalition

    The Women's Coalition creates and fosters a University of Denver culture that values and empowers all women; it is the umbrella organization to which all six University of Denver women's groups belong.

    Chair: Tali Koziol Thomason, Tali.KoziolThomason@ivantseng.com

DU Staff and Faculty Support

  • 美国残疾人法案(ADA)

    yzcca88游戏登录网址致力于提供合理的 accommodations to its employees and applicants for employment in order to assure that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to equal employment opportunities at the University.

    联系残疾服务项目(DSP): dsp@ivantseng.com or call at 303-871-3241

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  • Black@DU

    如果您需要支持,请提出问题或建议. The mission of Black@DU is to provide an atmosphere of cultural and social networking among Black staff and faculty at the University of Denver. This organization is dedicated to improving the quality of the Black experience at DU by fostering a campus climate that is inviting, unified, 鼓励和促进向上流动. Black@DU的存在是为了加强沟通和支持多样性, inclusion, 机会和社会正义,同时挑战各种形式的种族主义, 包括在大学社区内的任何表达.


  • 教职员支援网络(FSSN)

    帮助你的同事获得他们需要的资源和支持. The FSSN is designed to address an important gap: how to intervene on behalf of someone who appears to be struggling. 它是对DU员工可用的许多其他社区资源的补充.

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  • Faculty of Color Association (FOCA)

    Faculty of Color Association (FOCA) is a voluntary empowerment and advocacy group composed of faculty members from under-represented racial and ethnic groups within the University community.

    Association Co-Chairs:

    • Apryl Alexander - Apryl.Alexander@ivantseng.com
    • Brain Gonzalez - Brian.Gonzalez@ivantseng.com
  • Human Resources & Inclusive Communities
  • yzcca88游戏登录网址拉丁中心

    The Latinx Center was founded to be the center for Latinx voices both inside and outside the university. It is a consortium of interdisciplinary faculty from throughout the university who are committed to placing DU at the center of scholarship, teaching, 以及与落基山脉西部的拉丁裔社区有关的服务.

    Director: Deb Ortega, Debora.Ortega@ivantseng.com

  • 教与学办公室(OTL)

    OTL有许多支持在线和混合学习和教学的资源. The Inclusive Teaching Practices (ITP)网站旨在支持教育工作者创建动态课程, removing barriers to learning, 并通过实施包容性教学法来消除压迫性做法. ITP modules are designed support faculty members at the University of Denver and beyond in developing the necessary knowledge-base to enact inclusive praxis while succeeding in critical roles throughout their academic life-cycles.

    OTL还提供了一些讲习班, training sessions, and Faculty Learning Communities that faculty can attend to strengthen their teaching practices. Register for upcoming events at here

  • Queer Faculty Association (QFA)

    Queer Faculty Association (QFA) supports LGBTQIA+ and questioning-identified faculty on campus through advocacy, scholarship, and social networking. QFA works to connect queer faculty across the university and ensure that DU is an affirming space for all queer students, staff, and faculty.


  • Queer University Employees (QUE)

    Queer University Employees (QUE) is an organization for all Queer and LGBTQIA+ identifying DU employees who promote a welcoming and affirming university community.


    • Ashley Hunt: ashley.hunt@ivantseng.com 
    • Dong Dinh: dong.dinh@ivantseng.com 
  • Staff of Color Association (SOCA)

    The Staff of Color Association (SOCA) is committed to promoting the interests of and advocating for staff at the University of Denver from historically unrepresented races and ethnicities. We honor and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and actively contribute to the University by providing members with a supportive community and brave spaces, 培养对所有交叉经历的归属感, 分享yzcca88游戏登录网址校园氛围的知识, 为整个大学招聘不同的候选人提供支持, 在员工之间建立有意义的联系, students, and faculty of color.


    • Katia Miller, Katia.Miller@ivantseng.com
    • Rosalynn Feagins, Rosalynn.Feagins@ivantseng.com

DU Student Support

  • Access and Transitions Programs

    准入和过渡项目为衔接项目提供支持, first-generation, minoritized, 和其他代表性不足的学生通过创建社区活动, offering mentorship, hosting academic success workshops, promoting leadership development, providing resource referrals, 分享潜在的奖学金支持. http://rf6t.ivantseng.com/studentlife/access-and-transitions/

  • The Cultural Center

    文化中心为有色人种的学生创造了一个环境, students of marginalized faiths, and LGBTQIA+ students can critically engage their historical legacies while enhancing their educational, intellectual, 以及与种族相关的个人/职业兴趣, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic, and cultural sensibilities; while providing a physical safe haven for respite and dialogue as they navigate their journey at the University of Denver.

    • Chenthu Jayachandiran, Chenthu.Jayachandiran@ivantseng.com
    • Jasmine Pulce, Jasmine.Pulce@ivantseng.com
    • Cody Ortiz-Oldham, Cody.OrtizOldham@ivantseng.com

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  • Disability Services Program (DSP)

    Disability Services Program (DSP) is dedicated to giving students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the University’s programs, courses and activities. DSP provides accommodations at no cost to any student who has a documented disability as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Accommodations are designed to afford students equal opportunity to participate in the University's programs, courses, and activities.

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  • 包容与公平教育(IEE)


    • 包容性卓越简介
    • Responding to Microaggressions
    • Introduction to Dialogue Skills
    • Queer & Ally (Q&A) Trainings


    Visit rf6t.ivantseng.com/studentlife/ieeducation (includes training request link).


  • 学习效能计划(LEP)

    学习效能计划(LEP) provides individualized support for neuro diverse learners with Specific Learning Disabilities, 注意缺陷/多动障碍, students on the Autism Spectrum, 和/或有学习差异史的学生.

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  • 国际学生和学者服务(ISSS)

    ISSS provides the following services to international students and scholars on campus:

    • 倡导国际学生和学者在校园的问题
    • 文化适应和移民咨询
    • 入职及就业工作坊
    • 支持国际学生组织
    • cross-cultural programming
    • 签发移民文件、授权书和证明信

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  • 学生事务和包容性卓越

    The Division of 学生事务和包容性卓越 is committed to providing students with the support and skills needed to become empowered citizens that positively impact the communities they are a part of now and in the future.

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  • Student Outreach and Support

    对于本科生或研究生的任何担忧, 包括学生资助基金的申请, 请在此填写SOS转介表格: http://rf6t.ivantseng.com/studentlife/studentsupport/

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